Thanks to Mitt Romney's talkative campaign adviser I have a new mental image of how to deal with my life and my mistakes. Turn upside down, shake, erase and move on...
Poor Mitt, he worries over random comments so he tries not to make them and then he gets slammed for random comments his campaign people make... to be fair a high up campaign adviser but still, poor Mitt is getting slammed.
At first I thought...this is great... it's brought attention to a "Made in the USA" toy and that will help Americans.... etc, etc...until I Googled "etch-a-sketch" and once past the five million links to Romney's campaign... I came across the sad news that alas Etch-A-Sketch is a BIG lesson in what is wrong with America today. After being an "American Made Toy" for years, that was an advertising point years back (I remember) it is now being "Made in China" which is really pathetic.
This highlights one of the things Santorum talks about often, the problems of companies going overseas and trying to keep them here or lure them back to America.
Mitt may know money, but Santorum knows economics. If you are importing more than you are exporting... you got big problems economically.
The Etch-A-Sketch debacle highlights not a weakness in Romney, as much as a weakness in American business.
" Etch a Sketch was manufactured in Bryan, Ohio until the company moved the manufacturing plant to Shenzhen, China in 2001."
If Romney really does like firing people, you'd think he'd fire his campaign adviser or at least ban him from speaking to the press.
As for me, I'm glad he said what he did. It's become a lesson in life and a reminder that many times we can reset our routine ... God does allow U Turns, etc and all that jazz.
I had a horrible day on my diet yesterday, really horrible. So, I'm going to shake it up, erase it and start over today. Not a bad idea. Also, possibly make some changes in my eating plan. Note, Iput in my food diary simply "BAD DAY" and noted what I did wrong and starting over this morning.
So, it's not such a bad thing to remind us that we can indeed change our lives, prioritize our goals and move on. I don't mean moveon.org but you get the idea.
The fact is not that Romney or any candidate will re-prioritize their campaign to going national against Obama vs winning the primary. There really isn't anything wrong with changing our priorities, though changing our platform is wrong.
The sad fact remains that while sales are up for Etch-A-Sketch, they will not be helping America workers as much as if they were still being made in Ohio.
Bring the Etch-A-Sketch home to America ... that would be a real reset and a real victory for American Business.
As for me... turning things upside down, shaking, erasing and moving on...
Besos Bobbi
Ps...hiding from the Pine Pollen in North Carolina. Read about North Carolina's dirty little secret and well... it's home grown in the USA :(
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