Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Td 10 forms

I kinda forgot to mention it.


Heads more wnw and then nw. Stay tuned.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Magic Screens - Etch A Sketch (lessons in life)

Thanks to Mitt Romney's talkative campaign adviser I have a new mental image of how to deal with my life and my mistakes. Turn upside down, shake, erase and move on...

Poor Mitt, he worries over random comments so he tries not to make them and then he gets slammed for random comments his campaign people make... to be fair a high up campaign adviser but still, poor Mitt is getting slammed.

At first I thought...this is great... it's brought attention to a "Made in the USA" toy and that will help Americans.... etc, etc...until I Googled "etch-a-sketch" and once past the five million links to Romney's campaign... I came across the sad news that alas Etch-A-Sketch is a BIG lesson in what is wrong with America today. After being an "American Made Toy" for years, that was an advertising point years back (I remember) it is now being "Made in China" which is really pathetic.

This highlights one of the things Santorum talks about often, the problems of companies going overseas and trying to keep them here or lure them back to America.

Mitt may know money, but Santorum knows economics. If you are importing more than you are exporting... you got big problems economically.

The Etch-A-Sketch debacle highlights not a weakness in Romney, as much as a weakness in American business.

" Etch a Sketch was manufactured in Bryan, Ohio until the company moved the manufacturing plant to Shenzhen, China in 2001."

If Romney really does like firing people, you'd think he'd fire his campaign adviser or at least ban him from speaking to the press.

As for me, I'm glad he said what he did. It's become a lesson in life and a reminder that many times we can reset our routine ... God does allow U Turns, etc and all that jazz.

I had a horrible day on my diet yesterday, really horrible. So, I'm going to shake it up, erase it and start over today. Not a bad idea. Also, possibly make some changes in my eating plan. Note, Iput in my food diary simply "BAD DAY" and noted what I did wrong and starting over this morning.

So, it's not such a bad thing to remind us that we can indeed change our lives, prioritize our goals and move on. I don't mean but you get the idea.

The fact is not that Romney or any candidate will re-prioritize their campaign to going national against Obama vs winning the primary. There really isn't anything wrong with changing our priorities, though changing our platform is wrong.

The sad fact remains that while sales are up for Etch-A-Sketch, they will not be helping America workers as much as if they were still being made in Ohio.

Bring the Etch-A-Sketch home to America ... that would be a real reset and a real victory for American Business.

As for me... turning things upside down, shaking, erasing and moving on...

Besos Bobbi

Ps...hiding from the Pine Pollen in North Carolina. Read about North Carolina's dirty little secret and well... it's home grown in the USA :(

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Smoke Screens

Alabama and Mississippi are in play here and there isn't a lot of weather today. Some possible rain, yesterday weather might have been a factor but doubtfully today.

I've been away and the truth is weather has been downright summery in most of the US the last few weeks. Some random snowflakes and a few cool nights, but most of all weather has not been a big factor so far this Election Year of 2012.

News today is more of the International Kind....

A soldier who shouldn't have been cleared for combat, who is the father of two and had suffered a brain injury went on a crazed rampage .... the horrible actions of one man are now being used as an excuse to hold all of "America" and the "Christian West" accountable. Personally, I'd like to hold whoever cleared him for combat accountable and personally I don't think we should be there at all.... obviously there are some problems with the way our Commander in Chief is running operations over there as something is not right and it's become an issue both Democrats and Republicans all agree on...

But.... they are burning crosses in Afghanistan today... sick image really.

So, since weather is not a factor today.. I'm going on a rant about what really annoys me and that is Obama making mountains out of molehills and him and Romney trying to make this about women's issues and who likes women more and trying to show how Santorum, a model family man who loves his wife and kids and is Pro-Life is being demonized into trying to send women's rights back to the stone ages... that's sick and a big lie... but lies sell if they are packaged and shoved down your throat 24/7 by CNN, MSNBC and FOX.

I suppose money talks and even Fox has bought the Romney Million Dollar Kool Aid this time around.

I am a woman.... and I am suddenly being lectured to by President Obama no less who seems to agree with Mitt Romney on what I believe in and what I don't believe in.

Polls show that I do not like Republicans...wrong I mostly vote Republican.

Polls show I am Pro-Choice. Wrong... I am Pro-Life... and my choices are many... I choose life.

Polls show I dislike Rick Santorum. Wrong... I like Rick Santorum, I admire him greatly.

Polls show I am disgusted by Newt Gingrich. Wrong... I like him, I think he is the most brilliant person around who often annoys more than he inspires but if I had to have someone I trusted balance a budget or finding a way to work with opponents in Congress or dealing with Putin you can bet I would rather have Newt having my back more than anyone else... he's tried and true and smart. But polls say I don't like him because he left his wife for a younger woman, etc... when she was sick... whatever... I am not voting for President of my Church or President of my son's Jewish Day School... I am voting for a man who has to go up against someone like Putin in a dangerous world.

Polls show the biggest problem I am worried about is "The Pill"

WRONG. Do they think I am stupid?

Does Obama think women are so stupid?

I am worried about kids using the pill thinking they won't get pregnant and they get instead Aids as they are not using condoms when they are having sex as they get a false sense of security and I do not live in the world of 1960. I live in the world that exists today.

Womens Libbers live in the world of 1960 America... or maybe even 1955 America where an unwanted pregnancy or back room abortion is the worst thing that can happen to you.


They tell me the Pill allows me to have a smaller family and get ahead in the world.

Rick Santorum's wife seems to have been able to go to college twice... become a nurse, a lawyer and raise 7 children and home school all while being pregnant often...

It's not that hard but it helps when you have a husband by your side like Rick Santorum, or any husband rather than being a single mother who really thought she took that pill but missed a few, missed a few periods and ended up like that reality show teenage mom hero.

Rick Santorum believes in Family Values... so do I.

Newt Gingrich worries on things I worry on..

I've made mistakes, not as public as some but still big ones and I pulled my life together and moved on. We all do.

But, this election is being held hostage by the media on "sex" "The Pill" "religion" and other things that are not important.

It's a big smoke screen.. it's a joke.

It is about the Economy.

It is about the growing threat of terrorism.

It is about a poor imbalance of trade... money in.. MONEY OUT..and we need people like Rick Santorum who speaks on Made in America...

But.... according to Tumblr... Rick Santorum wants to take tampons off the market.

What is a joke is that we have serious problems in this country that need to be addressed and solved and Obama has not done what he promised to do... he has in fact gotten us deeper in debt and we are worse off than we were four years ago.

So, he needs a new issue.

Women's Rights.

??? Am I that stupid?
Does he think I am that stupid???

Obviously, he does.

I am a woman who has a large family, raised many on my own after getting divorced... I am mostly conservative though I am liberal on many issues... an Independent Voter who loves being a woman, loves shopping at Victoria Secrets, flirts with being Vegan, loves playing with my grandchildren and walking on the beach...watching sunsets and football games and ESPN and TWC and I'd love watching a news channel that reflects who I really am but unfortunately all of them seem stuck with older women newscasters who are stuck in the 1960s worrying over whether or not Roe Vs Wade will or will not get overturned one day.

The only Wade I worry on is the one playing for the Miami Heat.

I am a woman who is tired of being told by the liberal media who I am... as they have it wrong.

Just like Obama has had it wrong for going on 4 years.

Does anyone here seem surprised that a man who refused to show his birth certificate prior to running for President believes people shouldn't show their ID to vote in an election.

This is a no brainer.

I can't sign my child up for college without showing proof of ID.

I can't take my grandchildren to a local park without showing my ID to prove I live there as it's a public but city park...

I can't buy Bronkaid for my asthma without showing my ID at Walmart.

I can't get into my kid's school without showing my ID to a security guard at the front desk to get a Hall Pass.


How do these people who vote without IDs who will be disenfranchised if they have to show their ID get into their children's schools to talk to their teachers without an ID?

This is all BS and smoke screens to hide the real issues.

Negative Trade Balance
Gas Prices
Housing Market Collapse
Rising Cost of Tuition
Inability to pay off Student Loans
Dictators to our South like Castro and Chavez
WOMEN and Children being raped and murdered in Syria... being brought to you by the same people who did it in Lebanon.

I am a woman.
Stop telling me what I believe and what I don't believe and what I am worried on and what I am not worried on.

I am not that stupid....

Radio stations give out condoms for free at Rock Concerts.... they are relatively cheap.... make sure your children worry on the right things not the wrong things.

And, don't let some little girl believe that one day she will have to decide whether to have one child...with or without someone to help her raise that child or have a career.

Women can have it all ... if we stop listening to people who keep telling us what we believe...

Lastly.... and figure only one friend here is still reading this :) but maybe I am wrong..

Lastly.... why is it that President Obama can take a million dollars for his re-election from a man who called Sarah Palin a "cunt" but that's okay because she's a conservative so it's okay to call a Conservative woman a "cunt" ???

Liberals can use the C word to describe a woman anytime.... and all the liberal women in the world turn their heads and pretend they did not hear it...???

Sorry, President Obama... I don't want your back and I don't want the back of any woman who does not stand up for all women regardless of race, religion and party affiliation!

Back to the weather later this election year, but no I will not be wearing mittens nor gloves anymore as winter is definitely over.

What has been a factor is the big smoke screen of "women's issues" and the religious faith of some of the candidates who are strong in their faith.... which I think is a positive factor yet the liberals want to crucify them for believing in God and a having a moral code. Makes you want to go Hmnnnnnn ....

Rather than being happy that someone like Newt Gingrich who has had a checkered history of making poor personal, moral decisions has found faith and happiness in his new marriage people want to use that as yet another reason one of the smartest men in the race should not be running for President.

Oh my gosh... he had an affair... he was married more than once, even more than twice.

Well, let's crucify him, throw him in the dungeon, put on some sort of chastity belt on him and make him do penance for the rest of his life.

Obviously, some people didn't get that part of the bible about not throwing rocks at others and not judging lest they be judged and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

We are a nation of baby boomers it seems, us older folks... who were taught that Free Love and Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll would save the day... we are the people who gave you Bill Clinton fooling around with Monica while dignitaries waited in the Rose Garden. Seems sex with younger women working on staff in the White House is only wrong if it's a Republican who did it ...

Yes, Bill sinned.

Jimmy Carter sinned in his heart.

LBJ sinned a lot in the White House and out and even Eisenhower kept his lover on the payroll driving him to happy places both on and off the clock.

Sin my friends is as old as time itself....

Power corrupts and power is sexy and it's a combination that tempts almost every one of us at some time in our life.

I have a friend who slept with a teacher in High School to get an A in her AP class so that she could get into an Ivy League College. The original Legally Blonde type of gal who used what she had and by the way had a massive crush on the sexy older teacher.

This is not a new story.

It's not a nice story. Sexy, sleazy teacher was married with kids and probably slept with quite a few young girls who had crushes on him...

Mind you that same girl gave her Science Teacher a blow job in Jr. High to get an A to get into the AP class in High School and keep her grades high.

Now, I thought that was pretty low when I was in 8th grade, not my style or way of doing things but who was I to judge... she had a better GPA than me and she ended up a high priced lawyer who probably dreams of going into politics still.

Oh... guess what? She's a really, big liberal democrat back home... heard she really dislikes Rick Santorum and thinks all the republicans on the ballot are trying to put women back 500 years.

Sex and power... the lure or money... this is as old as time.... nothing new under the sun, but this year instead of dealing with unemployment, housing problems, trade problems, debt owed, gas prices and terrorist dictators who this President has not dealt with we are being told by this President that he is the "women's candidate" who has women's backs.

Suddenly "sex" and "religion" is on the ballot when other things should be on the ballot.

By nature I'm pretty conservative and would like to go on the record to say that I never slept with any teacher for a grade at any level of my education. A few did send me flowers, but I only gave back smiles and thanks in return. You know those charity sort of fundraisers, give a girl a flower to raise money for _______________. Of course, now days they'd probably be fired for giving a female student a rose ...

Funny how in a culture that derides candidates who believe in God and religion liberals have become puritanical about sex and religion.

Tired of Smoke Screens... Bobbi

And....PS... why isn't birth control a male issue??

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

No Candidates in Nola for Fat Tuesday...

The weather in Arizona is as good as it gets today and it will be in the 70s while the candidates converge on the state in anticipation of the debate Wednesday evening.

Newt is still in Oklahoma, having one of his biggest events tonight that is not open to the public, but it will be big. He will be speaking to the Oklahoma State Legislature. Oklahoma has been better to Newt in polls than other states.

Newt is interviewed on CBS This Morning
Tuesday February 21, 2012 - 6:00am CT / 7:00am ET
CBS News
Newt calls in to Pat Campbell's radio show
Tuesday February 21, 2012 - 7:35am CT / 8:35am ET
KFAQ, Tulsa

Newt calls in to Laura Ingraham's radio show
Tuesday February 21, 2012 - 8:15am CT / 9:15am ET

Newt addresses the Oklahoma State Legislature
Tuesday February 21, 2012 - 10:00 - 10:30am CT
Oklahoma State Capitol
2300 N Lincoln Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK
Note: This event is not open to the public

At 11 AM Mitt Romney will appear in Michigan before moving on to Arizona.
Eagle Manufacturing
52113 Shelby Parkway, Shelby Township, Michigan

Their website shows all the things they make. It also shows they are a provider of large government contracts.

We are a fully registered Defense Industry Supplier! Our CAGE code is 3C9M3."

Follow the money trail in any election process ... There is always a money trail when it comes to big business candidates vs grass roots, populist ones.

Just saying, government contracts is something I know a lot about and there is a lot of potential money down the line for them IF Mitt Romeny becomes the candidate and wins.

With regard to money, I'm beginning to worry that Romney's style of campaigning highlights America's problem economically. We import more than we export. Romney is putting out more and more money in an election race and losing more and more ground. Not sound financial advice to me, but who knows maybe that money will turn the tide but really only time will tell.

Either way, no candidate will be appearing in Louisiana where Mardi Gras is King today and no one there will be paying attention to who is or isn't on the campaign trail.

The weather in the high 60s, they may luck out as rain is in the forecast for tomorrow.

Enjoy ... you can watch online at

Besos Bobbi

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Santorum --> Georgia, Newt's Backyard

Rick Santorum will be speaking tonight in Georgia, a state that has been visited by all the candidates despite it being what should be a cake walk for Newt Gingrich.

Sunday, February 19:

6:30pm EST: Senator Santorum will participate in the God & Country Rally at First Redeemer Church in Cumming, GA.

First Redeemer Church
2100 Peachtree Parkway
Cumming, Georgia 30041

Note Newt has appeared all over Georgia the last few days, often times with Cain.

Should he show badly in Georgia and/or Santorum wins Michigan...not even counting a win for Santorum in Georgia I'd suggest everyone go back to the ranch and refigure out what they are doing wrong, because supposedly the candidate that is so "not electable" is doing better than the ones who were considered "electable" ....

Maybe that's what Romney is doing today, because he is not appearing anywhere. And, as the once front runner who is losing traction would think he'd be out on the road.

Even Ron Paul is out there today in North Dakota, where it is much colder than Georgia where Santorum is taking on Newt Gingrich in his home state.

Mike Huckabee said a while back that the reason he doesn't run for President is he lacks the fire in the belly. He said it's something you need to do 24/7. I'm beginning to wonder if Mitt Romney really wants this or he wants to avenge his father's loss when his father ran for President. It must have been a hard legacy to live up to and he must remember it strongly, much like Al Gore remembered his father's loss.

Once in a while in life we have to rethink what we are doing and why we are doing it.

Either way, the elusive Super Tuesday is getting closer and closer...

Besos Bobbi

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mason Ohio, Boise Idaho and Atlanta Georgia.

In today's ongoing tug of war for the top dog in the Republican Primaries the people of Ohio will be wondering today if Rick Santorum really is the little engine that could as he chugs along picking up points in the National Polls.

Mason Ohio, where he will speaking this evening, owns the reputation to being one of the top places to live in America according to Money Magazine. Mason came in 24th in their 2011 Best Place to Live List. Nice if you like living up north vs down where it's warmer. Perhaps, if the winters were not as harsh it would have even broken the top ten list...though that's just my perspective as Mason seems a little too cold for a Miami girl.

You can read why here below, though most people are most curious about why the Eiffle Tower shows up in a Google image search of a small town outside Cincinnati. Hint: It's part of their King's Island Resort that is a great place to be in the middle of summer. It's a little chilly today in Mason, not bad for winter as this has been a mild winter as winters go and it's going fast.

Rick Santorum's Schedule Today:

Friday, February 17:

11:15am EST: Senator Santorum will participate in the "Road to Victory" Michigan Faith & Freedom Coalition Rally in Shelby Township, Michigan.

The Palazzo Grande Banquet & Event Center
54660 Van Dyke Avenue (S of 25 Mile Road)
Shelby Township, Michigan

6:00pm EST: Senator Santorum will speak at the Warren County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner in Mason, Ohio.

Mason Manor House
7440 Mason Montgomery Road
Mason, Ohio

Mitt Romney who is still in the top dog seat in Arizona is campaigning today in Idaho where he is having a public event, as well as another fundraiser in Boise.

He will be appearing at the boxy looking building in the middle with the square windows, seriously a beautiful place to be in the Fall and why it's not added to the list of places to visit vs New England and other places I don't know...because Boise at times can be beautiful as the picture above shows.

Later in the day at 1:45 pm Romney will host a rare free rally on the road that is open to the public. Guerdon Enterprises makes modular homes.

Mitt Romney
Guerdon Enterprises
5556 S. Federal Way, Boise, Idaho

Newt raised over 2 Million dollars yesterday in L.A. Money wise it was a good day for him, while he fundraises his daughters have been out on the morning talk shows talking for him and doing a good job at that. He is speaking and fundraising back home in Georgia today. His public event, after the special donor dinner, is at 7:30 pm.

Newt Gingrich 7:30 PM
Hosting campaign rally
500 Aviation Drive, Peachtree City, Ga.

To put that amount that Newt Gingrich raised in L.A. after his fundraisers in perspective, Romney is about to unleash 2 Million Dollars in commercials to attack Rick Santorum whose budget for TV ads is about $50,000.

I'm beginning to wonder over and over if Rick Santorum is able to hold his own with his limited budget, perhaps we should let him work on the U.S. Budget.

Either way he has been pulling larger and larger crowds wherever he appears. Let's see if he can keep up the momentum after Romney unleashes his beast of $2,000,000 worth of TV ads against him.

Keep watching.. no serious weather events scheduled to interfere with any of the events set for today.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Michigan should have a theme song, maybe there is, something like Oklahoma. All eyes move north toward Michigan this week to watch the candidates duke it out in Detroit and other cities in the economically challenged state.

The Recession hit Detroit hard, way before it hit the rest of the country. A lot of construction workers in the South Florida area during the heyday of the most recent boom were from Detroit and other towns in Michigan. For almost ten years Michigan has been fighting recession.

Even if Romney was not born and raised in Michigan it would be an important bellwether state to watch. It's only a bellwether state for Romney because he was born there, it's a state to watch that has a mixed population base with multiple views unlike places like Iowa or South Carolina.

It is worthy to note that they have had their best year this year, which they often attribute to the "bail out" of the Auto Industry, something that Romney was against very publicly a few years back when he was not running for president. An Op Ed that haunts him daily.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

Around Noon both candidates will be in Michigan.

Romney will be speaking to the Chamber of Commerce lunch at Farmington Hills Manor, 23666 Orchard Lake Road, Farmington Hills, Mich.

Santorum will address the Detroit Economic Club in Detroit, MI at the Cobo Center, 1 Washington Boulevard, Detroit, MI

"The mission of the Detroit Economic Club (DEC) is to provide a platform for the debate and discussion of the great business, government and social issues of the day"

Rick Santorum is speaking there today. Later in the day Santorum will be speaking at 7pm at the Suburban Collection Showplace, a really big venue in Novi, Michigan.

Senator Santorum will keynote the Oakland County, Michigan Lincoln Day Dinner in Novi, MI.

A small city worth showcasing here to remind people of the smaller towns around the edges of America in places people don't normally hear about.

The Candidates woke up to a dreary sort of foggy, wet day in Michigan but the weather should clear up nicely for their speeches later in the day. Hey, it's winter up north...not Coral Gables, Florida.

Romney travels to a suburb of Cleveland tonight to speak at the Cuyahoga County Lincoln Day Dinner, Landerhaven, 6111 Landerhaven Drive, Mayfield Heights, Ohio.

Ohio is part of the March 6th Super Tuesday Primary Event. It's also an important state to watch to see which way the political wind is blowing.

Newt is all over L.A. today hosting events, speaking and enjoying nicer weather than the other two candidates. The weather will be sunny today in L.A. with a forecast high temperature of 71 degrees. Nice.

Newt holds an Asian-American Leadership Forum
Thursday February 16, 2012 - 10:00-11:00 am PT
Location: Korea Times
4525 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90010

Callista Gingrich visits Little Oaks School
Thursday February 16, 2012 - 10:00-11:30 am PT
Location: Little Oaks School
101 North Skyline Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91361

Newt and Callista hold a Republican Jewish Luncheon
Thursday February 16, 2012 - 12:15-1:30 pm PT
Location: La Gondola Restaurant
9025 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

The California primary is not until June 5th, but I'd imagine Newt is looking for money in L.A. and some good sound bites while he tries to find his base vs votes in the primary which is in June.

Keep watching...

Besos Bobbi

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On the Road Again . .

As the polls tighten up and many show Rick Santorum ahead of Mitt Romney the candidates are on the road and on the air waves trying to make their case for their candidacy and your vote.

Newt Gingrich in an interview on TV tried to make the case for this being like the Final Four in Basketball or a ride at Space Mountain. Great visual, ages us in ways as most kids today want to go to Universal but he does make his point. Who was up yesterday is down today and he hopes he will be up after Super Tuesday. At the moment he is racing down hoping the ride is not about to end before he can turn things around once again.

Rick Santorum may see snow on the campaign trail today in North Dakota, as he makes his way east towards Michigan where he goes head to head with Mitt Romney in a show down that is beginning to loom larger than Super Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 15:

10:00am CT: Senator Santorum will hold an energy roundtable in Tioga, ND.

Target Logistics Tioga Lodge Facility
Highway 2 West
Tioga, ND

12:30pm CT: Senator Santorum will host a town hall meeting in Tioga, ND.

Tioga Public School Gymnasium
303 North Linda Street
Tioga, ND

7:00pm CT: Senator Santorum will hold a rally in Fargo, ND.

Holiday Inn of Fargo
3803 13th Avenue South
Fargo, ND

Newt has no public appearances today on the schedule, but has a VIP Donor Reception in Atlanta on Friday. For more information:

Contact for more information.

There is a "Welcome Home Rally" for Mitt in Michigan where he will try to remind those who think he's from Massachusetts that he is indeed from Michigan, born and bred. Romeny won't be worrying on the weather, he's hoping for a warm welcome from the crowd.

February 15, 2012 - 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Compatico 4710 44th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512

The weather should be cold, no snow but nice for February in Grand Rapids, could be a lot worse. Mitt will be wearing a suit and a smile, not a sweater vest.

Personally, I think the "spend a day with Romney on the road" reminds me too much of the musical Bye, Bye Birdie and Romney isn't Birdie and he isn't going bye, bye anytime soon. More on those thoughts another day, for now the candidates are singing "On the Road Again" out in the heartlands of America.

Besos Bobbi

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Polls Love Santorum on Valentines Day?

Seems Rick Santorum is getting lots of valentines in the form of donations and support for his candidacy.

Meanwhile, while the polls poll people he is in Idaho today working the crowds.

Cute town, check it out.

He will be appearing 12:00 PST

Hagadone Event Center
900 Floating Green Drive
Couer D'Alene, ID

Later this evening he will be appearing in Boise Idaho for another rally.

7:00pm MST: Senator Santorum will hold a rally for supporters in Boise, ID.

Capital High School Auditorium
8055 Goddard
Boise, ID

The home of the "Eagle Pride" will be witnessing history as they participate in this event, something much different than watching a commercial on TV. It's live, organic and no matter who wins the nomination those students and their parents will remember being part of this process.. just by their participation in it.

It should be in the upper 30s with a chance of showers tonight when the rally at the High School takes place. Bundle up and enjoy!

In Tulare, California Newt Gingrich will be appearing at the World Ag Expo. The weather will be a little warmer, in the low 50s though at the moment it's a bit hazy there in the Central San Joaquin Valley along Highway 99, 45 miles south of Fresno and 60 miles north of Bakersfield.

Visit to Tulare World Ag Expo
Tuesday February 14, 2012 - 2:30-3:30 pm PT
Location: Tulare World Ag Expo
4450 South Laspina Street
Tulare, CA 93274

Note, Newt is visiting the Expo which sounds more like a photo op and an opportunity for a sound bite or two. He is also going to be having a fundraiser at Fairbanks Ranch Country Club in San Diego where the weather is in the upper 50s and beautiful. Newt will be hoping on big donations to help keep him alive in this process through Super Tuesday where he had hoped to have a good showing.

Beautiful place to enjoy some time with supporters.

One of the most beautiful places to be anytime of the year, let alone in February. Newt's hoping they bring their checkbooks with them rather than valentines.

Romney is traveling back to Michigan today, his home state for several appearances over the next few days to remind voters there he is a "home boy" and hopes to have their vote come election day. The air waves are already filled with multiple commercials in an attempt to hold back the tide that is surging in Rick Santorum's direction even in Romney's home state where he was raised.

Stay tuned... while Newt's balloon never seems to land, Romney's machine might self destruct if he does not win his "home state" of Michigan.... keep watching...