Alabama and Mississippi are in play here and there isn't a lot of weather today. Some possible rain, yesterday weather might have been a factor but doubtfully today.
I've been away and the truth is weather has been downright summery in most of the US the last few weeks. Some random snowflakes and a few cool nights, but most of all weather has not been a big factor so far this Election Year of 2012.
News today is more of the International Kind....
A soldier who shouldn't have been cleared for combat, who is the father of two and had suffered a brain injury went on a crazed rampage .... the horrible actions of one man are now being used as an excuse to hold all of "America" and the "Christian West" accountable. Personally, I'd like to hold whoever cleared him for combat accountable and personally I don't think we should be there at all.... obviously there are some problems with the way our Commander in Chief is running operations over there as something is not right and it's become an issue both Democrats and Republicans all agree on...
But.... they are burning crosses in Afghanistan today... sick image really.
So, since weather is not a factor today.. I'm going on a rant about what really annoys me and that is Obama making mountains out of molehills and him and Romney trying to make this about women's issues and who likes women more and trying to show how Santorum, a model family man who loves his wife and kids and is Pro-Life is being demonized into trying to send women's rights back to the stone ages... that's sick and a big lie... but lies sell if they are packaged and shoved down your throat 24/7 by CNN, MSNBC and FOX.
I suppose money talks and even Fox has bought the Romney Million Dollar Kool Aid this time around.
I am a woman.... and I am suddenly being lectured to by President Obama no less who seems to agree with Mitt Romney on what I believe in and what I don't believe in.
Polls show that I do not like Republicans...wrong I mostly vote Republican.
Polls show I am Pro-Choice. Wrong... I am Pro-Life... and my choices are many... I choose life.
Polls show I dislike Rick Santorum. Wrong... I like Rick Santorum, I admire him greatly.
Polls show I am disgusted by Newt Gingrich. Wrong... I like him, I think he is the most brilliant person around who often annoys more than he inspires but if I had to have someone I trusted balance a budget or finding a way to work with opponents in Congress or dealing with Putin you can bet I would rather have Newt having my back more than anyone else... he's tried and true and smart. But polls say I don't like him because he left his wife for a younger woman, etc... when she was sick... whatever... I am not voting for President of my Church or President of my son's Jewish Day School... I am voting for a man who has to go up against someone like Putin in a dangerous world.
Polls show the biggest problem I am worried about is "The Pill"
WRONG. Do they think I am stupid?
Does Obama think women are so stupid?
I am worried about kids using the pill thinking they won't get pregnant and they get instead Aids as they are not using condoms when they are having sex as they get a false sense of security and I do not live in the world of 1960. I live in the world that exists today.
Womens Libbers live in the world of 1960 America... or maybe even 1955 America where an unwanted pregnancy or back room abortion is the worst thing that can happen to you.
They tell me the Pill allows me to have a smaller family and get ahead in the world.
Rick Santorum's wife seems to have been able to go to college twice... become a nurse, a lawyer and raise 7 children and home school all while being pregnant often...
It's not that hard but it helps when you have a husband by your side like Rick Santorum, or any husband rather than being a single mother who really thought she took that pill but missed a few, missed a few periods and ended up like that reality show teenage mom hero.
Rick Santorum believes in Family Values... so do I.
Newt Gingrich worries on things I worry on..
I've made mistakes, not as public as some but still big ones and I pulled my life together and moved on. We all do.
But, this election is being held hostage by the media on "sex" "The Pill" "religion" and other things that are not important.
It's a big smoke screen.. it's a joke.
It is about the Economy.
It is about the growing threat of terrorism.
It is about a poor imbalance of trade... money in.. MONEY OUT..and we need people like Rick Santorum who speaks on Made in America...
But.... according to Tumblr... Rick Santorum wants to take tampons off the market.
What is a joke is that we have serious problems in this country that need to be addressed and solved and Obama has not done what he promised to do... he has in fact gotten us deeper in debt and we are worse off than we were four years ago.
So, he needs a new issue.
Women's Rights.
??? Am I that stupid?
Does he think I am that stupid???
Obviously, he does.
I am a woman who has a large family, raised many on my own after getting divorced... I am mostly conservative though I am liberal on many issues... an Independent Voter who loves being a woman, loves shopping at Victoria Secrets, flirts with being Vegan, loves playing with my grandchildren and walking on the beach...watching sunsets and football games and ESPN and TWC and I'd love watching a news channel that reflects who I really am but unfortunately all of them seem stuck with older women newscasters who are stuck in the 1960s worrying over whether or not Roe Vs Wade will or will not get overturned one day.
The only Wade I worry on is the one playing for the Miami Heat.
I am a woman who is tired of being told by the liberal media who I am... as they have it wrong.
Just like Obama has had it wrong for going on 4 years.
Does anyone here seem surprised that a man who refused to show his birth certificate prior to running for President believes people shouldn't show their ID to vote in an election.
This is a no brainer.
I can't sign my child up for college without showing proof of ID.
I can't take my grandchildren to a local park without showing my ID to prove I live there as it's a public but city park...
I can't buy Bronkaid for my asthma without showing my ID at Walmart.
I can't get into my kid's school without showing my ID to a security guard at the front desk to get a Hall Pass.
How do these people who vote without IDs who will be disenfranchised if they have to show their ID get into their children's schools to talk to their teachers without an ID?
This is all BS and smoke screens to hide the real issues.
Negative Trade Balance
Gas Prices
Housing Market Collapse
Rising Cost of Tuition
Inability to pay off Student Loans
Dictators to our South like Castro and Chavez
WOMEN and Children being raped and murdered in Syria... being brought to you by the same people who did it in Lebanon.
I am a woman.
Stop telling me what I believe and what I don't believe and what I am worried on and what I am not worried on.
I am not that stupid....
Radio stations give out condoms for free at Rock Concerts.... they are relatively cheap.... make sure your children worry on the right things not the wrong things.
And, don't let some little girl believe that one day she will have to decide whether to have one child...with or without someone to help her raise that child or have a career.
Women can have it all ... if we stop listening to people who keep telling us what we believe...
Lastly.... and figure only one friend here is still reading this :) but maybe I am wrong..
Lastly.... why is it that President Obama can take a million dollars for his re-election from a man who called Sarah Palin a "cunt" but that's okay because she's a conservative so it's okay to call a Conservative woman a "cunt" ???
Liberals can use the C word to describe a woman anytime.... and all the liberal women in the world turn their heads and pretend they did not hear it...???
Sorry, President Obama... I don't want your back and I don't want the back of any woman who does not stand up for all women regardless of race, religion and party affiliation!
Back to the weather later this election year, but no I will not be wearing mittens nor gloves anymore as winter is definitely over.
What has been a factor is the big smoke screen of "women's issues" and the religious faith of some of the candidates who are strong in their faith.... which I think is a positive factor yet the liberals want to crucify them for believing in God and a having a moral code. Makes you want to go Hmnnnnnn ....
Rather than being happy that someone like Newt Gingrich who has had a checkered history of making poor personal, moral decisions has found faith and happiness in his new marriage people want to use that as yet another reason one of the smartest men in the race should not be running for President.
Oh my gosh... he had an affair... he was married more than once, even more than twice.
Well, let's crucify him, throw him in the dungeon, put on some sort of chastity belt on him and make him do penance for the rest of his life.
Obviously, some people didn't get that part of the bible about not throwing rocks at others and not judging lest they be judged and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.
We are a nation of baby boomers it seems, us older folks... who were taught that Free Love and Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll would save the day... we are the people who gave you Bill Clinton fooling around with Monica while dignitaries waited in the Rose Garden. Seems sex with younger women working on staff in the White House is only wrong if it's a Republican who did it ...
Yes, Bill sinned.
Jimmy Carter sinned in his heart.
LBJ sinned a lot in the White House and out and even Eisenhower kept his lover on the payroll driving him to happy places both on and off the clock.
Sin my friends is as old as time itself....
Power corrupts and power is sexy and it's a combination that tempts almost every one of us at some time in our life.
I have a friend who slept with a teacher in High School to get an A in her AP class so that she could get into an Ivy League College. The original Legally Blonde type of gal who used what she had and by the way had a massive crush on the sexy older teacher.
This is not a new story.
It's not a nice story. Sexy, sleazy teacher was married with kids and probably slept with quite a few young girls who had crushes on him...
Mind you that same girl gave her Science Teacher a blow job in Jr. High to get an A to get into the AP class in High School and keep her grades high.
Now, I thought that was pretty low when I was in 8th grade, not my style or way of doing things but who was I to judge... she had a better GPA than me and she ended up a high priced lawyer who probably dreams of going into politics still.
Oh... guess what? She's a really, big liberal democrat back home... heard she really dislikes Rick Santorum and thinks all the republicans on the ballot are trying to put women back 500 years.
Sex and power... the lure or money... this is as old as time.... nothing new under the sun, but this year instead of dealing with unemployment, housing problems, trade problems, debt owed, gas prices and terrorist dictators who this President has not dealt with we are being told by this President that he is the "women's candidate" who has women's backs.
Suddenly "sex" and "religion" is on the ballot when other things should be on the ballot.
By nature I'm pretty conservative and would like to go on the record to say that I never slept with any teacher for a grade at any level of my education. A few did send me flowers, but I only gave back smiles and thanks in return. You know those charity sort of fundraisers, give a girl a flower to raise money for _______________. Of course, now days they'd probably be fired for giving a female student a rose ...
Funny how in a culture that derides candidates who believe in God and religion liberals have become puritanical about sex and religion.
Tired of Smoke Screens... Bobbi
And....PS... why isn't birth control a male issue??