Michigan should have a theme song, maybe there is, something like Oklahoma. All eyes move north toward Michigan this week to watch the candidates duke it out in Detroit and other cities in the economically challenged state.
The Recession hit Detroit hard, way before it hit the rest of the country. A lot of construction workers in the South Florida area during the heyday of the most recent boom were from Detroit and other towns in Michigan. For almost ten years Michigan has been fighting recession.

Even if Romney was not born and raised in Michigan it would be an important bellwether state to watch. It's only a bellwether state for Romney because he was born there, it's a state to watch that has a mixed population base with multiple views unlike places like Iowa or South Carolina.
It is worthy to note that they have had their best year this year, which they often attribute to the "bail out" of the Auto Industry, something that Romney was against very publicly a few years back when he was not running for president. An Op Ed that haunts him daily.
Around Noon both candidates will be in Michigan.
Romney will be speaking to the Chamber of Commerce lunch at Farmington Hills Manor, 23666 Orchard Lake Road, Farmington Hills, Mich.
Santorum will address the Detroit Economic Club in Detroit, MI at the Cobo Center, 1 Washington Boulevard, Detroit, MI
"The mission of the Detroit Economic Club (DEC) is to provide a platform for the debate and discussion of the great business, government and social issues of the day"
Rick Santorum is speaking there today. Later in the day Santorum will be speaking at 7pm at the Suburban Collection Showplace, a really big venue in Novi, Michigan.
Senator Santorum will keynote the Oakland County, Michigan Lincoln Day Dinner in Novi, MI.
A small city worth showcasing here to remind people of the smaller towns around the edges of America in places people don't normally hear about.
The Candidates woke up to a dreary sort of foggy, wet day in Michigan but the weather should clear up nicely for their speeches later in the day. Hey, it's winter up north...not Coral Gables, Florida.
Romney travels to a suburb of Cleveland tonight to speak at the Cuyahoga County Lincoln Day Dinner, Landerhaven, 6111 Landerhaven Drive, Mayfield Heights, Ohio.
Ohio is part of the March 6th Super Tuesday Primary Event. It's also an important state to watch to see which way the political wind is blowing.
Newt is all over L.A. today hosting events, speaking and enjoying nicer weather than the other two candidates. The weather will be sunny today in L.A. with a forecast high temperature of 71 degrees. Nice.
Newt holds an Asian-American Leadership Forum
Thursday February 16, 2012 - 10:00-11:00 am PT
Location: Korea Times
4525 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Callista Gingrich visits Little Oaks School
Thursday February 16, 2012 - 10:00-11:30 am PT
Location: Little Oaks School
101 North Skyline Drive
Thousand Oaks, CA 91361
Newt and Callista hold a Republican Jewish Luncheon
Thursday February 16, 2012 - 12:15-1:30 pm PT
Location: La Gondola Restaurant
9025 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
The California primary is not until June 5th, but I'd imagine Newt is looking for money in L.A. and some good sound bites while he tries to find his base vs votes in the primary which is in June.
Keep watching...
Besos Bobbi
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