The State of Florida gave Mitt Romney the big victory that he hoped to achieve as his monolithic campaign organization covered the state with TV commercials and radio ads as well as filling the Internet with pictures of Romney on every site from weather to astrology to banking. I couldn't so much as look for an evening gown today, without having Romney staring back at me...

That sort of campaign works better with primaries than it does in states where there is a caucus. It will be interesting to see if his big victory in Florida will begin to make Republicans in other states feel all warm and fuzzy towards him and just how he will do in the next three states where delegates are being chosen.
The bottom line weather wise tonight is that the reporters following the candidates on the campaign trail will find colder temperatures in Maine, Nevada and Minnesota
A wonderful site to follow Maine weather is Crown Weather Page, one of the better sites we use during the hurricane season to follow the tropics.
http://www.crownweather.com/?p=6867 <--- a site that survives by donations.. if you like their site, remember them when you are looking to make a donation. One lesson you should learn from this Florida Primary is that money talks...so feel free to communicate with Crown Weather in a very monetary way if you enjoy their site.
"A Winter Storm Will Bring A Total Of 7 To 9 Inches Of Snow From Late This Afternoon Through Tonight & Wednesday & Into Wednesday Night"
I hope the reporters enjoy the Romney victory party on South Beach tonight, because they will be turning in their sandals and short sleeves and trading them in for their overcoats and snow shoes.
The reporter on CNN who was wearing the nice blue sleeveless top might want to change into something like this:

I love Maine, been there... love it. Funky sort of place, not South Beach and the economy there is very bad. The scenery is beautiful.
Nevada is also a hard place to define. There is Las Vegas....

And, then ...there is the rest of Nevada...

Enjoy the following site with a compelling, visual message on the call of Nevada:
An interesting story coming out of Nevada, shows their current economic fears and priorities as people in there worry they don't have enough money to put away for emergencies.
I find it personally relative and realistic that they worry on weather emergencies as well as general financial ones. Weather emergencies become financial ones always, both on a personal level as well as regional economic one. Good article by Matt Guillermo online.
"LAS VEGAS (FOX5) -A report released Tuesday said nearly one in two Nevadans have little to no savings or other assets to weather a financial crisis"
The weather may not be as friendly, but the people will be excited to see the candidates and to hear their message.
In Minnesota it's been a mild winter, but it won't seem so mild for the reporters that have been basking in the rays of the sun on Biscayne Bay.
The lack of winter and the issue of gay marriage on the ballot have been a big topics in Minnesota over the last month. It's been so "warm" (warm being a relative term) that they actually had problems at the Winter Carnival with their world famous ice sculptures in the city that gave us F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Being a real Yankee the weather most likely won't be bothering Mitt much as the weather everywhere should seem down right warm for him as he comes off a big win in the sunny State of Florida. We'll see how the voters feel about Mitt and the rest of the pack in Nevada, Maine and Minnesota in the days to come.
Keep watching, the campaign is warming up even if the weather is getting colder.
And, as for the reporters they better dress warmer... it's gonna get colder out there for them on the campaign trail this coming week.
Besos Bobbi
Ps Just think if the weather had been so warm the year that Sally Carroll went to visit her fiance Harry Bellamy's family up in Minnesota.... she might have stayed there and married him and never ended up back down south with Clark in Fitzgerald's very memorable short story The Ice Palace.