We know the weather is hot, though there may be some showers somewhere today. The northern part of the State is in the 50s this morning, in the Southern part of the state they dream of weather in the 50s while loving the flip flop, tee shirt weather in Miami.
So....what's hot in Florida?
The Miami Heat!
Stories on Snakes in the Everglades slithering into the local suburbs.
Marco Rubio.
Trader Joe possibly coming to Palm Beach.
Advertising $$$$s pouring into the local media for ads by Romney.
What seems not to be hot or even mentioned is that whoever wins the primary only wins half a victory as Florida lost half of their votes by moving up the primary to January and no one seems to care.... we are on the nightly news, the morning news, every news show in America is showing every politician that can get his face in front of the camera standing in front of an out door shot with blue skies, palm trees and usually a blue view of water with the real message being "Come on Down... It's June in January in Florida" and both parties and everyone in Florida owes a big thank you to the Republicans who decided to move up the election to the dead of winter so that their voice can make a bigger impact in the election ;) and we could all gain some good publicity for the Sunshine State.
Because what is really HOT in Florida today is.... the weather ;) and it's on display 24/7 all day as the media covers today's election ... blue skies, tank tops, suntans and dreams of a mid-winter vacation live in the heart of every viewer in Maine who will be voting next week in their own election.

The Miami Heat reigns as the lead story on www.sun-sentinel.com though that should change by tonight. Buried on a side column is a question on Romney and the Tea Party.
A round up of stories online include the other topics such as the Miami Heat, Snakes and other local stories.
The Miami Herald continues with more informative articles regarding the tally not of votes, but points in last night's game.

"The Heat shook off a slow start to shut the door on the Hornets behind LeBron James and Dwyane Wade, who each had 22 points.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/01/31/2616399/after-slow-start-miami-heat-slams.html#storylink=cpy"
The Herald does have a nice inset sort of link showing Election info and various pictures and polls.
Moving over to Tampa Bay there is an article on the Mormon Church (interesting timing) and dispelling myths..
The Orlando Sentinel carries good political information as well as what is really the story of the hour, of the month and possibly the year in Florida and that is what's really HOT...
Stories on Pythons and other slithery snakes taking over the Everglades and eating up all the young opossum, raccoons, foxes, bobcats and even going after 6 foot alligators... I know usually when you think of "snakes" you think of politicians, but it seems everyone who has ever gotten a snake for Christmas in Florida decided when tired of feeding it to dump it into a local canal and now we have snakes everywhere, not just the political kind....

Pythons wiping out massive amounts of Everglades mammals, study finds
"Burmese pythons have virtually wiped out raccoons, marsh rabbits, opossums and other once-common mammals in the southern region of Everglades National Park, according to a nine-year study that shows the snakes' devastating impact on the park's wildlife."
Every paper in Florida is covering this story with as much info as the horrific crash on I75 near Gainesville and advertising outdoor Winter Art Festivals.
Despite the mortgage crisis and the politics over Cuba and Latin America...the big lobbying effort in South Florida is for Trader Joe to come on down to downtown Palm Beach. True.... really.....

Up the road in Jacksonville they are still talking on the crash on I75 and other various Florida topics, along with the election.
Tallahassee, another strong market in the Northern part of the State of Florida which is still very Southern...is talking on the accident on I75.
Over in the Panhandle....the highlight in this more conservative part of the state is on Gingrich, Senior Health Fairs and Marco Rubio.
Which brings me back to what Matt Drudge has posted with his Dixie like ditty "T
The real race for the State of Florida seems to be in the diverse, multi-faceted part of the State of Florida...better known as the Banana Republic of Miami...that worries on who makes the best Cuban Coffee ...where the snakes are and the Miami Heat!
You can't Lobby the snakes out of South Florida, but you can lobby for Trader Joes to move all the way down the state. Seems likely that they will, unless of course they are afraid of the snakes.
Either way... the Florida Sunshine will give way to snowy days in Maine and cool days in Nevada as we move on day by day here towards Super Tuesday where weather can and often is a factor in voter turnout in some of the colder states.
Poor python...his eyes were bigger than his tummy, bad news for both the gator and the python... makes me think of the song another one bites the dust..
Today, in Florida someone will win, someone will lose. The focus will be more on the point spread than the victor as Romney is expected to win but the bigger question is by how much. Hard to beat a man who is outspending you by the margin Romney is outspending Newt. Almost every site I go to in South Florida this morning carries the following advertisement.

Open up any newspaper, turn on any TV station and you are inundated with advertisements either by Romney or groups supporting Romney attacking Newt Gingrich. What a boost to the local economy this election has been indeed, not only has the Sunshine State looked beautiful on nationwide TV but millions have been pumped into the media marketplaces with ads by Romney. Thank you Mitt Romney for pumping up the advertising revenue of almost every media market or website in Sunny Florida.
What else is hot in the State of Florida is not as much "what" but "who" and that who is Marco Rubio.

Oh...and the ghost of Ronald Reagan....
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