The weather in Florida is beautiful, but which way is the wind blowing....that's the question.
Some polls show Newt closing in on Romney, other polls show Romney holding onto his front runner lead. Some reports say that Santorum may run home to get his tax returns after the next debate in Florida.
A huge number of Absentee Ballots have already been cast in the election, at least 10% of them were cast prior to Gingrich winning the South Carolina Primary. Many are attributed to Romney's well oiled campaign in the State of Florida to get the vote out by way of absentee ballots.
Nancy Pelosi insists she has some insider information on Newt, Newt told her politely to put up or shut up.

Castro, it seems, is sitting back in Cuba enjoying making fun of the political process in America.

Of course, Castro also accused the United States of manipulating the weather and sending hurricanes to Cuba in 2008 and his friend Chavez has accused America of causing the earthquake in Haiti.. I don't think we really give a rat's ass what Fidel Castro thinks of our political process.
Personally, I love the process. One day Romney looks strong, one day Newt surges, one day Santorum shines bright and the process goes on and on weeding out the weak, strengthening the strong and one day down the road we will have a Republican Candidate who will wage a campaign against President Obama. That is the beauty of our system, a lot better than living on a island stuck in the past driving automobiles from the 1940s and 1950s and having our sons and daughters risking their lives to float to freedom on anything that will float... rather dying at sea than living in Cuba with Castro.

Well, even if Fidel is able to get his old yacht the Granma out of the museum and into the water and rides it north to Miami ...he doesn't get a vote. But, many Cuban Americans will be voting in this election and they make the difference in the Miami area as to which way Miami Dade County goes. For that matter, many Haitian Americans will also be voting. This is NOT South Carolina...
It's the beautiful State of Florida, that basks in the winter sunshine with multiple Hispanic communities, Russians, Israelis, Lebanese, Iranians and Ukrainians who have all become naturalized citizens along with good ole' boy Southerners and old timers who got too much sand in their shoes in WW2 and moved down to Florida when the war was over.
The wind always blows in Florida, in off of the Ocean or the Bay or the Gulf and it's a hard election to predict.
The weather in January is easier to predict than the outcome.
As we move on towards Nevada and other states the weather will not be as easy to predict.
Whoever wins the Republican Primary in Florida...they will look back at their sunny days on the campaign trail in the Winter of 2012 and they will continue on with this beautiful political process that is part of the democratic system.
If only Cubans were truly free in Cuba to have such a wonderful system...
Besos Bobbi
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