Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Sun Shines on Romney in Florida

The State of Florida gave Mitt Romney the big victory that he hoped to achieve as his monolithic campaign organization covered the state with TV commercials and radio ads as well as filling the Internet with pictures of Romney on every site from weather to astrology to banking. I couldn't so much as look for an evening gown today, without having Romney staring back at me...

That sort of campaign works better with primaries than it does in states where there is a caucus. It will be interesting to see if his big victory in Florida will begin to make Republicans in other states feel all warm and fuzzy towards him and just how he will do in the next three states where delegates are being chosen.


The bottom line weather wise tonight is that the reporters following the candidates on the campaign trail will find colder temperatures in Maine, Nevada and Minnesota

A wonderful site to follow Maine weather is Crown Weather Page, one of the better sites we use during the hurricane season to follow the tropics.

http://www.crownweather.com/?p=6867 <--- a site that survives by donations.. if you like their site, remember them when you are looking to make a donation. One lesson you should learn from this Florida Primary is that money talks...so feel free to communicate with Crown Weather in a very monetary way if you enjoy their site.

"A Winter Storm Will Bring A Total Of 7 To 9 Inches Of Snow From Late This Afternoon Through Tonight & Wednesday & Into Wednesday Night"

I hope the reporters enjoy the Romney victory party on South Beach tonight, because they will be turning in their sandals and short sleeves and trading them in for their overcoats and snow shoes.

The reporter on CNN who was wearing the nice blue sleeveless top might want to change into something like this:


I love Maine, been there... love it. Funky sort of place, not South Beach and the economy there is very bad. The scenery is beautiful.

Nevada is also a hard place to define. There is Las Vegas....

And, then ...there is the rest of Nevada...

Enjoy the following site with a compelling, visual message on the call of Nevada:


An interesting story coming out of Nevada, shows their current economic fears and priorities as people in there worry they don't have enough money to put away for emergencies.


I find it personally relative and realistic that they worry on weather emergencies as well as general financial ones. Weather emergencies become financial ones always, both on a personal level as well as regional economic one. Good article by Matt Guillermo online.

"LAS VEGAS (FOX5) -A report released Tuesday said nearly one in two Nevadans have little to no savings or other assets to weather a financial crisis"

The weather may not be as friendly, but the people will be excited to see the candidates and to hear their message.

In Minnesota it's been a mild winter, but it won't seem so mild for the reporters that have been basking in the rays of the sun on Biscayne Bay.


The lack of winter and the issue of gay marriage on the ballot have been a big topics in Minnesota over the last month. It's been so "warm" (warm being a relative term) that they actually had problems at the Winter Carnival with their world famous ice sculptures in the city that gave us F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Being a real Yankee the weather most likely won't be bothering Mitt much as the weather everywhere should seem down right warm for him as he comes off a big win in the sunny State of Florida. We'll see how the voters feel about Mitt and the rest of the pack in Nevada, Maine and Minnesota in the days to come.

Keep watching, the campaign is warming up even if the weather is getting colder.

And, as for the reporters they better dress warmer... it's gonna get colder out there for them on the campaign trail this coming week.

Besos Bobbi
Ps Just think if the weather had been so warm the year that Sally Carroll went to visit her fiance Harry Bellamy's family up in Minnesota.... she might have stayed there and married him and never ended up back down south with Clark in Fitzgerald's very memorable short story The Ice Palace.


What's Hot in Florida?

We know the weather is hot, though there may be some showers somewhere today. The northern part of the State is in the 50s this morning, in the Southern part of the state they dream of weather in the 50s while loving the flip flop, tee shirt weather in Miami.

So....what's hot in Florida?

The Miami Heat!
Stories on Snakes in the Everglades slithering into the local suburbs.
Marco Rubio.
Trader Joe possibly coming to Palm Beach.
Advertising $$$$s pouring into the local media for ads by Romney.

What seems not to be hot or even mentioned is that whoever wins the primary only wins half a victory as Florida lost half of their votes by moving up the primary to January and no one seems to care.... we are on the nightly news, the morning news, every news show in America is showing every politician that can get his face in front of the camera standing in front of an out door shot with blue skies, palm trees and usually a blue view of water with the real message being "Come on Down... It's June in January in Florida" and both parties and everyone in Florida owes a big thank you to the Republicans who decided to move up the election to the dead of winter so that their voice can make a bigger impact in the election ;) and we could all gain some good publicity for the Sunshine State.

Because what is really HOT in Florida today is.... the weather ;) and it's on display 24/7 all day as the media covers today's election ... blue skies, tank tops, suntans and dreams of a mid-winter vacation live in the heart of every viewer in Maine who will be voting next week in their own election.

The Miami Heat reigns as the lead story on www.sun-sentinel.com though that should change by tonight. Buried on a side column is a question on Romney and the Tea Party.

A round up of stories online include the other topics such as the Miami Heat, Snakes and other local stories.

The Miami Herald continues with more informative articles regarding the tally not of votes, but points in last night's game.

"The Heat shook off a slow start to shut the door on the Hornets behind LeBron James and Dwyane Wade, who each had 22 points.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/01/31/2616399/after-slow-start-miami-heat-slams.html#storylink=cpy"

The Herald does have a nice inset sort of link showing Election info and various pictures and polls.


Moving over to Tampa Bay there is an article on the Mormon Church (interesting timing) and dispelling myths..


The Orlando Sentinel carries good political information as well as what is really the story of the hour, of the month and possibly the year in Florida and that is what's really HOT...

Stories on Pythons and other slithery snakes taking over the Everglades and eating up all the young opossum, raccoons, foxes, bobcats and even going after 6 foot alligators... I know usually when you think of "snakes" you think of politicians, but it seems everyone who has ever gotten a snake for Christmas in Florida decided when tired of feeding it to dump it into a local canal and now we have snakes everywhere, not just the political kind....

Pythons wiping out massive amounts of Everglades mammals, study finds

"Burmese pythons have virtually wiped out raccoons, marsh rabbits, opossums and other once-common mammals in the southern region of Everglades National Park, according to a nine-year study that shows the snakes' devastating impact on the park's wildlife."

Every paper in Florida is covering this story with as much info as the horrific crash on I75 near Gainesville and advertising outdoor Winter Art Festivals.


Despite the mortgage crisis and the politics over Cuba and Latin America...the big lobbying effort in South Florida is for Trader Joe to come on down to downtown Palm Beach. True.... really.....

Up the road in Jacksonville they are still talking on the crash on I75 and other various Florida topics, along with the election.


Tallahassee, another strong market in the Northern part of the State of Florida which is still very Southern...is talking on the accident on I75.


Over in the Panhandle....the highlight in this more conservative part of the state is on Gingrich, Senior Health Fairs and Marco Rubio.


Which brings me back to what Matt Drudge has posted with his Dixie like ditty "T


The real race for the State of Florida seems to be in the diverse, multi-faceted part of the State of Florida...better known as the Banana Republic of Miami...that worries on who makes the best Cuban Coffee ...where the snakes are and the Miami Heat!

You can't Lobby the snakes out of South Florida, but you can lobby for Trader Joes to move all the way down the state. Seems likely that they will, unless of course they are afraid of the snakes.

Either way... the Florida Sunshine will give way to snowy days in Maine and cool days in Nevada as we move on day by day here towards Super Tuesday where weather can and often is a factor in voter turnout in some of the colder states.


Poor python...his eyes were bigger than his tummy, bad news for both the gator and the python... makes me think of the song another one bites the dust..

Today, in Florida someone will win, someone will lose. The focus will be more on the point spread than the victor as Romney is expected to win but the bigger question is by how much. Hard to beat a man who is outspending you by the margin Romney is outspending Newt. Almost every site I go to in South Florida this morning carries the following advertisement.

Open up any newspaper, turn on any TV station and you are inundated with advertisements either by Romney or groups supporting Romney attacking Newt Gingrich. What a boost to the local economy this election has been indeed, not only has the Sunshine State looked beautiful on nationwide TV but millions have been pumped into the media marketplaces with ads by Romney. Thank you Mitt Romney for pumping up the advertising revenue of almost every media market or website in Sunny Florida.

What else is hot in the State of Florida is not as much "what" but "who" and that who is Marco Rubio.

Oh...and the ghost of Ronald Reagan....

Monday, January 30, 2012

Florida Basking in the Rays of Free Tourism Advertisements

Who is the real winner of the Florida Republican Primary this week?

Florida... Florida's tourism industry gets the biggest shot in the arm than any of the actual candidates.


Watch this clip and listen to the words of Rep. Allen West when speaking about the Miami Marathon that he just ran in... "great venue to show off Miami"

Yes, that's what Face the Nation and every other political show this week did ...they showed off Miami's Biscayne Bay, Tampa's Biscayne Bay, Jacksonville's River and the sunshine and blue skies were the backdrop on National TV during the dead of winter up north. Behind the candidates who spoke their sound bites about the economy, beating Obama, jobs, the changing of the Republican Party by the Tea Party members the .... and everyone watching is thinking, "wow, look at that sailboat and the water...."

Everyone hears the sound bites, but what they are thinking is "I could be there when I'm here..." or "maybe I'll check out Jet Blue's sales this week and take a quick trip down for an early Spring Break."

Everyone is talking....but what everyone is watching is Santorum sans his signature vest working the crowds in short sleeves. Michelle Bachman in a pretty white suit showing off her great legs looking like she's doing summer while Allen West sits near her in an orange windbreaker making people everywhere wonder on what he is wearing under neath that wind breaker, an ORANGE Florida colored wind breaker. He's probably wearing a tee shirt or a tank...wow ...shorts maybe... and it's June in Florida year round. That is the point that the Florida primaries are making this week.

They may be basking in the rays of reality, as Esquire points out, but they are basking in the rays of reality while working on their tans which will give them a nice healthy look going into Maine and Nevada.


Carl Fisher, the oldest most successful Florida publicist back in the Roaring 20s would put up ads in Time Square for New Years Eve that read, "It's always June in Miami" along with pictures of bathing beauties frolicking on the Florida beaches.

Yep, Florida by moving up the primary to January did more than make a national impact in the primary process... they gained millions of dollars of free advertising doing one up on Old Carl Fisher, they showed the candidates walking through crowds of people dressed for summer, under the palm fronds, in front of the water, live on TV with boats going out on day trips and people on the boats waving to the crowds having fun in their bathing suits. While watching Allen West speaking on the election, a little part of their brain is thinking..."wonder how much it would cost to take a cruise out of Miami..."

And, that is how the State of Florida is the biggest winner this January while Romney and Newt duke it out in the polls. Note...while duking they are often in their short sleeves getting in some nice rays of sunshine before heading back up north to winter. In Maine Santorum will have his signature vest again and Romney won't be showing off his "average man short sleeves" look and Republicans will be dreaming of Marco Rubio on the ballot as a Vice Presidential candidate.

Winter Dreams will be not on the election but on a seat on a plane south bound for some fun in the sun...that is what most people will really take away from this week's primaries.

And, they will head out to Little Havana for some good Cuban food, rent a boat, go to the beach and it will boost Florida's economy because across the board Tourism is King in Florida.

We may have lost the King Orange Bowl Jamboree Parade on New Year's Eve, but we won back the media's attention in the dead of winter with the January Primary.

Besos Bobbi



Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Raining Glitter in the Florida State

Seems to be a growing trend to throw "Glitter Bombs" at candidates that do not have Gay Friendly political platforms. And, seeing as how Santorum is the most consistent, conservative running for the Republican nomination he is getting glitter raining down on him often.

As someone who has taught kindergarten years ago ... it's a pretty pathetic way of getting your point across and as anyone who has ever had glitter in their eyes will know pretty dangerous.

I was one of those teachers who liked to make the kids happy, we glittered a lot. There were teachers who REFUSED to use glitter come hell or high water to the dismay of their 3 and 4 year olds. Know why? It sticks to your clothes, your hands and often gets in your eyes. Really. Take it from me... as someone who wore cutesy little silky peblum dresses in the 80s while teaching the cute little glittery monsters... every dress I had ...had glitter stuck to it somewhere. But, I do think 3 and 4 year olds deserve to have glitter CAREFULLY put onto their little projects.

Presidential candidates to DO deserve to have glitter thrown on them.

Make signs, protest... go online and write as others have done before them.

If they were throwing glitter on Obama I am sure they would be wrestled to the ground and handcuffed faster than they could finish throwing the glitter bombs.

It's wrong. Just wrong. Other ways to protest and Santorum has been pretty good about it so far.

So, though the weather is sunny in most places in Florida today it's raining glitter on Santorum.

And, while Newt is trying to raise "money bombs" to fight the massive campaign budget Romney has to use in the Sunshine State... Santorum is now getting caught between glitter and Romney's nonstop ads.

Several times today when I googled an article on Santorum this is what I got...

Boy sometimes you just can't win for trying...

Ron Paul has ignored the Sunshine State as he is concentrating his energy elsewhere... hoping his generals in the field will drum up the support for him he expects. He will make an appearance at the debate tonight...

Santorum also is looking towards other States, though he has made some appearances.

So, when watching Ron Paul tonight who looks relaxed, easy going in a cranky way, making jokes and enjoying the free publicity from a media who sometimes ignores him... remember he has not been out there shaking hands and making huge promises on how he will bring back jobs to the Space Coast.

Enjoy the debate... soon we will move on to other states where it will be a bit chillier and it won't be as much fun for the press corps to follow the candidates.

And, for those of you who might wonder... Ronald Reagan is still dead... he's just been on the news more in the last week or so than he was when he was President, odd but true... who knew back in the 80s that Ronald Reagan would one day be bigger than Santa Claus for the Republican Party.

I was around in the 80s and there was a reason he won over so many Reagan Democrats... he had charisma, vision and he wasn't as conservative as you would be led to believe on the nightly news this week.

Besos Bobbi

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Which Way Does The Wind Blow In Florida?

The weather in Florida is beautiful, but which way is the wind blowing....that's the question.

Some polls show Newt closing in on Romney, other polls show Romney holding onto his front runner lead. Some reports say that Santorum may run home to get his tax returns after the next debate in Florida.


A huge number of Absentee Ballots have already been cast in the election, at least 10% of them were cast prior to Gingrich winning the South Carolina Primary. Many are attributed to Romney's well oiled campaign in the State of Florida to get the vote out by way of absentee ballots.

Nancy Pelosi insists she has some insider information on Newt, Newt told her politely to put up or shut up.

Castro, it seems, is sitting back in Cuba enjoying making fun of the political process in America.


Of course, Castro also accused the United States of manipulating the weather and sending hurricanes to Cuba in 2008 and his friend Chavez has accused America of causing the earthquake in Haiti.. I don't think we really give a rat's ass what Fidel Castro thinks of our political process.

Personally, I love the process. One day Romney looks strong, one day Newt surges, one day Santorum shines bright and the process goes on and on weeding out the weak, strengthening the strong and one day down the road we will have a Republican Candidate who will wage a campaign against President Obama. That is the beauty of our system, a lot better than living on a island stuck in the past driving automobiles from the 1940s and 1950s and having our sons and daughters risking their lives to float to freedom on anything that will float... rather dying at sea than living in Cuba with Castro.

Well, even if Fidel is able to get his old yacht the Granma out of the museum and into the water and rides it north to Miami ...he doesn't get a vote. But, many Cuban Americans will be voting in this election and they make the difference in the Miami area as to which way Miami Dade County goes. For that matter, many Haitian Americans will also be voting. This is NOT South Carolina...

It's the beautiful State of Florida, that basks in the winter sunshine with multiple Hispanic communities, Russians, Israelis, Lebanese, Iranians and Ukrainians who have all become naturalized citizens along with good ole' boy Southerners and old timers who got too much sand in their shoes in WW2 and moved down to Florida when the war was over.

The wind always blows in Florida, in off of the Ocean or the Bay or the Gulf and it's a hard election to predict.

The weather in January is easier to predict than the outcome.

As we move on towards Nevada and other states the weather will not be as easy to predict.

Whoever wins the Republican Primary in Florida...they will look back at their sunny days on the campaign trail in the Winter of 2012 and they will continue on with this beautiful political process that is part of the democratic system.

If only Cubans were truly free in Cuba to have such a wonderful system...

Besos Bobbi


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Did the Heat Affect Brian William's Laconic Performance Last Night?

Beautiful day for the most part in Florida today :)

What I learned this morning online today, other than which movies earned Oscar Nominations and the tax rate of Mitt Romney is that he is using Twitter nonstop to promote the use of Absentee Ballots. Smart move. Many an election has been decided in close race by absentee ballots. In fact, in Miami where it can rain like crazy one minute and be crazy hot the next a friend of mine won a small city Mayoral race by the use or promoting Absentee Ballots. He hired a consultant (not a lobbyist) and the consultant told them that voter turnout is often very low so they could so to speak "own the house" by pushing the use of Absentee Ballots. They had "volunteers" go around the small municipality handing out information on how to vote by Absentee Ballot, where to get one, they offered to provide them even... pens, buttons, lawn signs and he won the election. It was also the largest absentee ballot input of any election and since then... well all the candidates have followed his lead and push for the use of Absentee Ballots. It works...

On one hand, bird in the hand is worth two in the bush and if that bird has already voted you are that much ahead. You also don't have to worry that someone will change someone's mind in a debate or have some political fumble the night before the election. And, if it rains just as you go out to vote and it turns out your windshield wipers are broken and you can't drive... you'll know your vote has been counted.

Mitt Romney @MittRomney
Don’t wait until Jan 31st. Cast your vote early. Click here to find out where to cast your ballot mi.tt/sSCZVG #Sayfie #Mitt2012
Promoted by Mitt Romney

I'm also wondering if the heat in Florida affected Brian William's laconic performance and the way both Santorum and Newt looked tired. It's always beneficial for the Dolphins to play Buffalo in December in Miami when the humidity gets to Buffalo than for Miami to travel to Buffalo in December to play in the snow. The weather in Florida can get to you... especially if you aren't used to it.

I also think Romney, who had the lightest schedule yesterday of the candidates for personal appearances, looked well rested last night and relaxed compared to Santorum and Newt who had busy schedules out and about town standing around in the bright sunshine both looked somewhat tired.

Also wondered if the weather affected Brian Williams... he seemed laconic, sleepy and not very on top of his game. Maybe the Florida humidity got to him? And, that is one of the nicest things I can say about a lackluster job last night. Check it out for yourself as I wouldn't repeat some of the things I've been reading on Twitter.


Either way if you want to go out today in the warm Florida sunshine the candidates can be seen mostly in Southwest Florida today.


Great map on this site that shows you where the candidates are speaking or have spoken. The weather is great, get out there and meet the candidates.

9 a.m.: Rick Santorum
Recreation Outreach Center
310 SW 5th Avenue
Okeechobee, FL

9:30 a.m.: Newt Gingrich
Tick Tock Restaurant
8123 4th St North
St. Petersburg, FL

10:30 a.m.: Mitt Romney
National Gypsum Company
6110 W Commerce Street
Tampa, FL

11:30 a.m.: Rick Santorum
Community Christian Academy
777 SE Salerno Road
Stuart, FL

1:45 p.m.: Newt Gingrich
Dolphin Aviation
8191 N. Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL

3:20 p.m.: Mitt Romney
“Florida Housing Event”
2929 17th Street SW., Lehigh

4 p.m.: Newt Gingrich
Whistle stop event
Hobby Lobby
9355 Ben C. Pratt Parkway, Fort Myers

5 p.m.: Newt Gingrich
Cambier Park Bandstand
755 8th Street South, Naples

6:30 p.m.: Rick Santorum
Plantation Golf and Country Club
10500 Dartington Drive, Fort Myers

Besos Bobbi
Ps good thing they are not campaigning in the NW today... saw on Twitter that the weather there is not exactly up for campaign appearances outside.

"Rob Marciano @robmarcianoCNN Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Grab your gear in the PacNW today. More rain & wind. Flooding w/ mud & snow slides possible. #pdxtst #wawx"

Monday, January 23, 2012

Weather Changes Everything

Weather changes everything from history to the outcome of football games to campaign appearances and often times the voter turn out on Election Day.

Sometimes, as in the case of the Inauguration of William Henry Harrison, weather can change the course of history even after the election itself. Every school child knows the story of President William Henry Harrison who refused to wear a coat, a hat nor gloves on March 4th, 1841 when he delivered the longest Inaugural Address in history being 8,845 words. It was a cold, windy day with temperatures in the 40s while he stood there speaking without his coat... or hat... or gloves for over an hour and a half. He caught a cold, which turned into pneumonia and he promptly died 32 days later going down in history as the shortest term a President has served and being a lesson to children and future Presidents everywhere to wear your coat on cold windy days.

I suppose he might have gotten sick anyway from some random germs, but would the cold have turned into pneumonia? Who can say for sure... either way he died and since then our Presidents wear handsome coats and give somewhat shorter speeches and Harrison becomes relegated to a trivia question in history often.

Whose to say that had it been a wet, rainy day with gusty winds in Dallas in November of 1963 that JFK would have kept the top up rather than put the top down in the convertible and he might have served his full term as well as changed history? Very possible or at least the assassination attempt would have been tried somewhere else and either way history would have been changed had it been a stormy day in Dallas not a sunny one. They might have put on the bubble top that was often used or they may have put the top up, either way we will never know for sure because it was sunny with bright blue skies in Dallas that day in 1963.


Weather changes everything, that's for sure. Studies have been done to show this and most studies show that bad weather on election day helps Republicans in any given race. That might be debated and it could be brought down to economic factors by some who might say that people who can't afford a nice car need to take the bus or walk in bad weather on election day might not go out to vote whereas a person with a nice, shiny, new car will not have a problem voting. That works only mind you ....if you think all Republicans are rich or maybe it's just that republicans like being out in the rain or snow?? Who's to say for sure?

The one thing we do know is that if a candidate has a campaign event outside and the weather is cold and windy he is less likely to get people to go out and check out his event and see him or her in person. A nice sunny day and the thought of going to hear Santorum, Romney or Newt becomes a much more doable idea.

Say a young mother wants to see the candidate for herself, in her home town...up close and personal. Is she really going to dress the baby in a snow suit, put on her boots and drag the baby out for a photo op or will she wait for another day, or another candidate or until the baby is a little older or possibly get a babysitter and leave the baby at home. A doable day out suddenly becomes a chore that can be ignored on a windy, snowy day.

This blog will follow, among other things, the day to day weather during the Republican Primaries and the weather down the line in the actual Presidential Election.

For instance, Rick Santorum will be appearing on Wednesday, January 25 at 9:00 AM in Naples Florida. The weather will be warm and sunny, go and enjoy...take the camera, take the baby, ask some questions.

First Baptist Church
3000 Orange Blossom Drive
Naples, FL 34109

For instance as I type this Newt Gingrich is standing outside, in beautiful weather, live on CNN in Tampa, Florida speaking to a crowd of people who obviously would not be standing there if it was thundering or threatening to rain. There are a lot of young people, old people, standing around watching Newt speak live becoming a part of this great election process by attending outdoor rallies.

If you want to attend an event for Newt Gingrich on Tuesday in Sarasota the weather should be good.


If you want to see Mitt Romney speak somewhere in person in Florida you can call 813-490-2626 and try to get a list of his campaign appearances. There are no specific appearances mentioned on their website, which is odd I think though he has invested a lot of money or as we say in Miami "dinero" in television advertisements that can be shown rain or shine and he seems to show up unannounced often around the State. I will update this with more information later, I called the number listed above but alas...the mail box was full. It shouldn't be this hard to find out where Mitt is appearing, but then again his commercials are playing pretty regularly.

Obviously, money talks in elections as much as the weather does and Rick Santorum is using Twitter to publicize his many events around the state.

Ron Paul events are also hard to find online, though he is working the young crowd on Facebook trying to bring his own libertarian brand of change to the Republican Party. http://floridaronpaulevents.com/event-details-other-info/

If only politicians could control the weather on election day....they might be able to control the outcome. But, since Lex Luthor has not been able to do so yet... we are probably safe from any weather tampering come election day!

I can tell one thing... the people in Alabama today are not watching the weather in Florida as they have a death toll that is climbing and many cities are without electricity, telephone or cable. Now...if that was to happen on the day of a primary in their state... it could possibly make a difference in the outcome.


In a year when the difference of winning and losing in Iowa was less than 35 people, it is a reminder that every vote counts. Perhaps had a few republicans decided to get a babysitter and go out into the cold Iowa evening and vote for Mitt Romney, he might have really won that election.

Weather changes everything...

This blog will cover the weather and how it might possibly effect this election. Feel free to send me information as to upcoming campaign events or with regard to the weather on your own election day. Either way... if you are worried weather might be a factor, make sure you apply for an absentee ballot as just as weather changes everything... your own vote can change everything as well!!

Besos Bobbi
Study done on the correlation between bad weather and voter turn out.

