It will be cold and gray in Washington today as all three of the main candidates for the Republican nomination for President speak today. The sun may come out later in the day and it will flirt with 50 degrees. That's pretty good, they could have easily been snowed under in any other year.
The event is being held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. 2660 Woodley Road, NW. Washington, District Of Columbia 20008.
The main speeches will be carried live today on most of the news channels as well as CSPAN.

Marco Rubio warmed up the crowd yesterday. Always exciting for me to see Marco Rubio on the National stage as he grew up in my neighborhood in Miami. Good Ole Boy from West Miami. Many consider him a possible Vice Presidential Candidate for 2012, either way many consider him a probably Presidential candidate in 2016 unless another "Florida Boy" Jeb Bush steps up to the plate.
Yesterday, Governor Rick Perry spoke saying this is half time and we need a new quarterback in America.
Today, the three candidates for that position of first string quarterback for the Republican Team will be speaking today.
The schedule for the event:
9am Mike Huckabee will be speaking at the beginning of the day's events.
10:25 Rick Santorum will be introduced by Foster Freiss.
12:55 Mitt Romney will be introduced by Al Cardenas.
4:10 Newt Gingrich will introduced by his wife Callista Gingrich.
NOTE: The President is scheduled to speak at 12:15 live today from the White House on new changes to his controversial birth control issue that has united Catholics, Orthodox Jews and other groups who do not like him interfering with private religious practices. In the past the President has often started his speeches late and given long speeches and if he does he could go head to head with Mitt Romney's scheduled speech. Sort of "odd" timing for the President who has to be aware of the schedule for CPAC.
No matter what the weather is like outside, it will be hot and exciting inside and one candidate will most likely make the strongest mark. Sound bites will be made. Sunday morning talk shows will discuss who said what...
Rick Santorum is scheduled for Meet the Press this Sunday.
Ron Paul has skipped the event, something about "scheduling problems" so his son spoke the family yesterday. Was he really too busy to speak before CPAC today or was he passing the baton to his son? He has spoken at CPAC in the past.
Enjoy the show, live on TV for all to see.
Besos Bobbi
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