This primary race has heaten up dramatically over the last several days, not so much weather wise, though it is pretty mild today but the race for Minnesota is heating up after a not so kosher caucus in Clark County, Nevada on Saturday which provided heated moments and a lot more negative publicity. Seems the front runner Romney is falling behind a bit in Minnesota as Rick Santorum begins to surge in the state that is demographically similar to Iowa where he won his primary back when...
Santorum is appearing in Rochester Minnesota today giving a speech on his Health care policies, policies that differ distinctly from Mitt Romney's that he has accused of being not very different from Obama.
He will travel to Colorado later in the day where it snowing and where he will continue campaigning. Some pundits claim that his hope is to squeak out a similar Iowa sort of win in Minnesota and come in 2nd in Colorado. Time will tell.
Romney is in Colorado today hoping to maintain his front runner status and build on it.
The "mountain west" seems pretty solid Romney country. Will the South deliver for Newt? That remains to be seen or if Santorum picks up steam in Minnesota and Colorado will that translate into votes in the South?
What has been a bit strange this year is the nonstop hoopla about Ronald Reagan, you would think he is alive and well this year as candidates talk about him and there are parties and cakes in several areas of the country.
It's beginning to remind me of those old jokes on Saturday Night Live in the early years, "Generalissimo Franco is still dead"....
Had Reagan still been alive he would have been 101.
An odd piece of news this weekend was the caucus crashers in Las Vegas where there are a lot of Orthodox Jews, as well as Seventh Day Adventists. People were supposed to sign a paper stating that they could not vote before sunset on Saturday because of "religious reasons" when a lot of Ron Paul (and some Romney people) showed up looking not exactly kosher insisting they didn't vote because they keep the Sabbath on Saturday too..... Got to tell you, it's really pretty easy to tell the difference between a Lubavitcher Chassid and a Ron Paul supporter...
Here's the Republican Patron Saint Ronald Reagan with a few Orthodox Jews AKA Chabad Rabbis

Ron Paul Supporters below... this is not rocket science... don't need the Mentalist to figure this one out...

Of course, as Sheldon Adelson was behind the Shabbos Caucus and he is a big Gingrich supporter it was assumed it would be used to help Newt get a win in Nevada. Number one, Sheldon Adelson is not an Orthodox Jew. Number two, winning a handful of votes in Vegas would not have changed much. But, number three shows how low down some people from both Romney and Paul's teams will go to try and upset the process.
Hot as hell out there this year on the campaign trail if you ask me... even in winter it's heating up...
South Carolina avoided this problem by asking anyone who could not vote on Saturday to send in absentee ballot.
I'm not sure what the answer is but this primary process so far has brought out a lot of dishonesty and mud slinging, it will continue well past the mud season in Maine at this rate as Newt Gingrich refuses to pull out and neither does Rick Santorum. As for Ron Paul.... the race for the White House is not a game or a chance to air the platform of the Libertarian Party. Then again, Roseanne threw her hat into the ring promising us at least a comedic challenge to Ron Paul for funny sound bites.
There is discussion on the weather next week being colder in some parts than previously thought, waiting for the next few model runs before I believe the temperatures in NYC will go down into single digits.
The system south of Florida went east and often when you have this much of an imbalance in the weather the atmosphere does try to right itself and things flip fast so next week...winter may return to parts of the country.
Meanwhile... the beat goes on in Missouri while they try to explain they are having a non-binding election process that is not a beauty contest ... maybe they are trying to get some publicity for their state and some media attention?
Who knows... this year so far we have Donald Trump claiming Mitt Romney won in Nevada because of his endorsement. Nice... of course he won in Nevada last time without his endorsement.
And, then there's Roseanne...

You thought this process was almost over and Romney was about to be coronated?
Think again... not one political model predicts this will be wrapped up before winter is over.
Besos Bobbi
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