Rick Santorum is looking for Green Sunshine in the form of MONEY in Colorado, he is picking up endorsements left and right in hopes for the people of Colorado to "reset" the game. If we could only reset our lives as easily as we could reset electronic gadgets...
Santorum enjoyed warm weather today while speaking at Lone Tree in Colorado, it was 51 degrees and much warmer than it will be tomorrow when the golf course will be covered over by snow.
Sharron Angle, a Tea Party favorite has endorsed Santorum this evening. Still, it would be hard for him to reset and upset Romney in Nevada, a state that supported Mitt overwhelmingly in 2008. Still, bit by bit the endorsements should help.

Santorum's remaining in the game and reminding people of Jon Huntsman's comments a while back calling Romney a "weathervane" or a "political weathervane" even though Jon Huntsman has endorsed that weathervane it seems.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9JP1DGaS68 <--- Huntsman 3 months ago on Romney.
Politics makes strange bedfellows and great sound bites.
Politics is like the weather in Chicago, if you don't like it today...wait a few days and it will most likely change.
Michelle Bachmann did NOT follow Huntsman's game plan and endorse Mitt Romney today. She did however go on National Television to remind people she is in Washington and Mitt Romney is in Minnesota today and they are not meeting. I watched her on TV where she emphatically denied making any immediate endorsements, saying and I quote "I talk to all of the candidates on a regular basis, that continues but I haven't yet made a decision who I will endorse"!
Of course, that is not to say that while in Minnesota Mitt may have met with some people close to her. I mean, three months ago Jon Huntsman called him a weathervane and not a very nice weathervane at that!
Let's see how the political wind changes when it comes to endorsements over the next few weeks.
In the meantime if you'd like one of those Republican Weather Vanes they are available for sale at this site:

This morning Mitt Romney was the hottest speaker on the morning news being interviewed everywhere on the topic of his large victory yesterday in Florida. Tonight, he is once again the hottest speaker being asked to explain what he meant by his quote this morning on CNN when he said he doesn't care about the "very poor." To be fair, I think he explained it very well... he's worried on the large percentage of people who are neither very poor, or very rich...however his words will be used time and time again by his opponents against him.
Newt Gingrich was hot on his trail trying to get the same guest shots to throw Mitt's off the cuff comment back at him....
Newt is reminding people about our forefathers and how they cared for the poor people. What he is not saying is that George Washington was one of the richest men in his day, in fact according to Atlantic Monthly his worth in today's money would be approximately $525 Million dollars.
And, according to the WSJ Donald Trump will make an announcement (of some kind) tomorrow and the winds of politics in 2012 may change drastically tomorrow...or they may not. Keep watching. It's much easier to predict the weather than it is to predict what Donald Trump will or won't do.
I'm leaving a link to the song "Money" here but remember what is more important than the lyrics is to remember the history behind the song. The story Cabaret shows Pre-War Berlin through the eyes of the characters in the play who work at the Cabaret. That song always made me nervous. I've always loved the play, but that song always made me feel tense when watching it, because it was the failure of the economy in Germany that led to the rise of Hitler and the events that led up to World War II.
While enjoying music from Cabaret remember the songs may be fun to listen to but Germany was not a fun place to live during that period, people took refuge for a few minutes of fun at the Cabaret. A musical reminder that money does make the world go round and when money is tight and people are poor and desperate bad things can happen.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkRIbUT6u7Q <-- Money Song from Cabaret :)
Great song from a great movie with a message that is still relevant.
It's always about the economy as Bill Clinton knew. We talk about the weather, we talk about the Super Bowl ... but in the end money talks and many a candidate will walk away from a race because he runs out of money. And, many a candidate can stay in the race because money is not a problem for him.
Let's see what The Donald says tomorrow and how it may or may not change the political winds of weather....or not.
If there's one wild card this year in this election... it definitely could be Donald Trump.

And one last thought...
Everyone really needs to lay off Matt Drudge because he seems at times to prefer Mitt to Newt, that's his prerogative. He is a powerful man that has brains and money and just like anyone else he can use his website however he sees fit. It's a free country with freedom of speech. The case can be made that Romney won in Florida because he greatly outspent Newt Gingrich or he simply put in a great debate performance and Newt Gingrich did not. Drudge can spend his time and money the way he wants to and so can Romney ...or Donald Trump. Were some of his headlines a little "mean" or "punchy" last week? Yes, that's why people love to go to his site every ten minutes to see what he has to say. Does he show some of the best pictures on the web to highlight his stories? Yes, he does. He's just being Matt Drudge. Had Newt Gingrich turned in the performance in Florida that he did in South Carolina the results from the Sun Sunshine State might have been different.
I do disagree with the headline though that they will live or die in Miami, because it seems Donald may have a few things to say tomorrow and it's not over until the fat man sings or however the saying goes.
Stay tuned . . .
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