The weather will be in the 40s today with rain, sort of normal for Washington State, as Rick Santorum speaks at the Washington State Historical Museum in Tacoma.
Washington Historical Museum
1911 Pacific Avenue
Tacoma, WA
If you ever have the chance... go it's got a fantastic reputation.
One upcoming exhibit shows what it was to live on hope in the days of the Great Depression, something many people during our days of the Great Recession will find inspiring and educational. Though times are hard for many today, times have been harder and we overcome and persevere and go on.
Rick Santorum will go on stage and speak there tonight at 7 PM. Tomorrow he will be working his way east and speaking in Idaho.
Always stay in touch with www.ricksantorum.com for updates on his schedule, as often events have been moved to a larger venue to accommodate the larger crowds he has been pulling since his days traveling through Iowa in friend's pick up truck.
Newt is in California today plugging away on the campaign trail. It won't be so sunny in Pasadena or El Monte where it will be in the 50s and overcast with rain coming and going, much like the candidates.
Hispanic Leadership Event
Monday February 13, 2012 - 3:00 pm-4:00 pm PT
Location: Cielito Lindo Restaurant
1612 Santa Anita Avenue
South El Monte, CA 91733
Newt 2012 Reception
Monday February 13, 2012 - 5:00-6:00 pm PT
Location: Castle Green Hotel
Romanesque Room
50 E. Green Street
Pasadena, CA
As for Mitt Romney, I wish they would make a site "Where in the world is Mitt Romney today" as his site never shows where he is speaking and he gets moved around like a shell game at times. I suppose the Secret Service knows...
He is listed as speaking tonight in Mesa Arizona as well as in New York at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel at a private fundraiser. Mitt knows money, he seems to have a lot of pricey fundraisers which would mean of course he has a lot of big, corporate sort of wealthy sponsors who would like to see him as the candidate. A far cry from the more populist and easy to use website of Rick Santorum. Even Newt Gingrich has an easier site to use.
Using Mitt Romney's site reminds me of trying to find something specific on The Weather Channel's site. It is, in my opinion, the worst site to use..the hardest site to use. They detail so much information that it is easier to figure out if today is a bad "sinus" day than it is to get a quick glance at the weather. They have more videos and weather news than CNN. Romney's site is a lot like that too.
Contrast and compare, if you really needed quick info on an event whose site would you prefer?
There is a good site on Politico, but even that seems confusing and I doubt Romney's supporters are paying their usual $2,500 to have dinner with him via hook up to Arizona...???
I know he has been accused of having different positions on the same issue, but there is no way he can get from Arizona back to New York at the same time unless he has figured out how to do time travel and if so I do hope he shares his secret. Now THAT would be a real money maker.
Possibly his "team" is in NY planning the March Fundraiser?
Either way, no matter where he is he will be speaking energetically about why he is the best candidate and Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich will be doing the same.
Either way I'll follow the weather where ever the candidates are and they should be happy they aren't in the middle section of the country today as that is where the weather is nasty, stormy and could even become severe. That system will move east tomorrow...
Besos Bobbi
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