Today's political events are all in cities where winter is in full force today. It's snowing in Denver as people go to their respective caucuses to show their support for their candidate.
Santorum has criss crossed his way across the three states appearing anywhere and everywhere trying to make his case for why he is still int the race and wants their votes. Romney has been on the ground quite a bit and continued to criss cross the air waves and the Internet making his case. Newt has run a quieter campaign in these three states seeming to wait for Super Tuesday where he should do better within his more established base. If, Newt does not do well on Super Tuesday, he should get out of the race. If he can't win the in the South, where can he win would be the question?
Santorum has events in all three states today, including the "beauty contest" in Missouri. He has given Missouri more attention than the other two and even a victory on paper would give him the perception a winner despite whether the results are binding or not.

It will be 21 and overcast in Colorado Springs where Santorum will be holding a campaign rally at Giuseppe's Depot, 10 S Sierra Madre St.,Colorado Springs, Colorado. They advertise an American (Traditional), Colorado Cuisine, Family Fare, Italian, Romantic and Vegetarian friendly menu. Hmnnn, not sure what Colorado Cuisine is (conjures up images of bison and buffalo...) but I'm sure I'll google it. If you are there you might want to order from the Baggage Cart Salad Bar..
The Depot's Baggage Cart Salad Bar
fresh greens, vegetables, seasonal fruits, puddings, pasta salads & more. served with a cup of soup & garlic bread
Must be like North Carolina, where Macaroni and Cheese is considered a vegetable. And, I'm wondering...what kind of pudding....
If you're interested in working there, here's a link to the employment opportunities.
From there Santorum will go to Blaine, Minnesota where it will be cold and cloudy and he will end the day in holding a primary night party at the
St. Charles Convention Center in St. Charles, Missouri. Neither Newt nor Romney have campaigned much in Missouri so I suppose he is hoping for a victory there to add to his resume for the Republican nomination.
Romney doesn't seem worried...
Newt does seem worried...
Ron Paul shouldn't be worried on a nice showing in Minnesota, a state that does often vote outside the box.
Found this site online while surfing, going to listen today. Something about it pulls me in and want to listen to what they have to say. They will be covering the primary process in Colorado today on air.
Seems Washington State cancelled there primary to save money in the budget. Wow, talk about a place determined to cut back...
Which is an interesting point...the cost of the primaries in a bad economy.
Does the money pumped in and the appearances of the next possible President in the state worth the cost of running the election? A caucus is cheaper to run than a primary, something to think on down the line though they seem to be more popular in some places in America than in others.
Stay tuned to find out who will be celebrating and who will be left out in the cold tonight.
Besos Bobbi
Ps...okay I googled it and here you go... Colorado Cuisine.
http://www.denverpost.com/food/ci_10302633 (pulled pork Spanish style??)
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