I'm not sure why everyone is taking the day off . . . except Rick Santorum, but that is what it seems on the surface. Then again, politics like icebergs are more below the surface than what you see on the surface.
I'm sure there are some meetings today on strategy, coaching and discussion of what to do next in the Romney campaign or maybe not. Maybe he is just spending some quality time with his family today after the big fundraising dinner in Atlanta last night. I wonder how much money was raised.
Newt is in Cincy, touring around a Wright Brother mansion that he lived in after he made the money. There's more than you ever wanted to know about his visit in this entertaining blog.
Rick Santorum is in Oklahoma City this morning it's in the 30s and rain is in the area. He was supposed to speak at the H & H Shooting Arena, but the event has been moved to the Magnuson Hotel Arena. The need for a larger venue was to accommodate the larger crowds that are expected. The fact that so many people wanted to attend today's event in Oklahoma City may be a good sign for Santorum as polls show that Newt Gingrich is a favorite in the Soooner State and he has been placing third in the polls. Possibly, the momentum from Tuesday's triple wins may have more than a few people in Oklahoma wondering what Rick Santorum is all about.
Mitt Romney is moving an event later this month to a larger venue in Michigan, because he sold out the previous facility and this location can accommodate more people.
Rick Santorum's event today is free.
Many of Romney's are not free.
Money talks in this race, so does popularity. At the end of the game it will be interesting to see who won and who had the best strategy...or who did a better job convincing people to go out and vote for them.
I would imagine that anyone who paid $2,500 for dinner last night in Atlanta (or $1,000 for the reception) will go out to vote when that day rolls around.
Interesting tweets online bring me to interesting stories.
Take for instance this tweet by Doug Rink:

Doug Rink @TalkSouthRadio Reply Retweet Favorite · Open
Romney holds Atlanta fundraiser at ritzy hotel, but does his Atlanta media interviews in front of a forklift. cbsatlanta.com/story/16739062…
You can't make this stuff up. So true though and for candidates with advisers they work out the details like this which help Mitt Romney to look more human and every day whereas it cost $2,500 to have dinner with him.
He is an every day person mind you, gets up, gets dressed, etc... but every step is being micromanaged vs Rick Santorum who goes about the country talking in intricate detail on his stops and answering questions. Romeny rarely takes questions and rarely gives long detailed answers vs often repeated sound bites. Then again, after the "poor" comment on the morning talk show maybe it's best he stick with the sound bites. Newt Gingrich has refused to be micromanaged by advisers and is doing it "his way" which may or may not work out. Ron Paul is always himself, the country doctor who has taken on the political arena...
But, in today's world where you can buy expensive advertising to affect millions in big markets, a small tweet can be seen around the world by an infinite number of people. Bloggers blog. Tweeters tweet. Some do both.
Candidates speak, though it seems publicly only one is speaking today and that is Rick Santorum. The others are speaking to someone trust me, it's just not on the radar.
I do find it a bit odd that normally the 2nd place person usually tries harder. Rick Santorum, who comes off three victories this week, is trying harder than the others who feel they are winning the race.
Is Rick Santorum being underestimated or is Rick Santorum never underestimating the value of getting out and seeing the every day people?
Over the holidays you will remember Rick Santorum is the only one who didn't take time off for the holidays. It seems to have paid off.
Rick Santorum is looking to Michigan for a win there, as Michigan often feels that Romney is their home boy it may be a harder than he thinks. Either way, I doubt that Romney will underestimate him when trying to hold onto the hearts and votes of the people of Michigan. Weather may be a factor there as it is one place in this country that winter has not taken a holiday!
Besos Bobbi
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